Celo Linux Setup

Setup Celo VPN on Redhat, Debian & Arch Linux


The below

Will show you how to setup Celo on Debian, Redhat and Arch Linux based Distro’s (Fedora, CentOS, Mint, Ubuntu, Manjaro etc).  VPN Connections will appear in NetworkManager

Celo OpenVPN Script

Download Here

  1. Download our Linux OpenVPN script (above)
  2. Open up Terminal
  3. Inside Terminal, go to where you dowloaded the file above (usually your Downloads folder) and make the script executable

    cd Downloads/

    sudo chmod +x celo_ovpn.sh

    celo vpn linux script execute

  4. Execute the script by typing

    sudo ./celo_ovpn.sh

  5. When asked, enter in your VPN user name (not your email) and password
  6. Once the script has finished, reboot your computer for changes to take affect
    celo vpn linux script reboot
  7. Log back in, click on your toolbar > VPN and click on the toggle/switch to the server you would like to connect too
    celo vpn linux connect to server
  8. Repeat the above step to disconnect from the server

If you encounter any errors/issues during execution of the script, please log a support ticket so we can trouble shoot

Updated on February 21, 2020
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