OpenVPN for Android

Android OpenVPN Server Profiles

Download Here

  1. Go to the Play Store > Search for Openvpn For Android and install it
  2. Download the Android OpenVPN Server profiles
  3. Extract the .ZIP with a file manager (FileManager+, ES File Explorer etc)
  4. Open OpenVPN for Android Application and tap on the icon in the top right
  5. Navigate/Browse to where you extracted the .ZIP file and select a server profile to import
  6. Enter a profile name (can be anything you like), tap on the tick in the top right
  7. Tap on the profile you have just imported/created, enter in your vpn username (not your email) and password

Each OVPN file corresponds to a single VPN server.  Repeat the same steps above to import multiple servers

Updated on February 19, 2019
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